Well, our trip is quickly coming to an end. Eric and I are in the car, on the way to Pittsburgh. I'll stay the night tonight and then head back to WV in the morning to finish up my visit with the family. We've been having such a good time, but like they say...All good things must come to an end. (well, in a couple of days they will)
No matter how many times I say I'm going to do nothing but relax when we get to WV, it never really happens. I told myself, "Self, this time you're going to relax." Didn't happen. That's ok though. We've been going to bed late and getting up even later. We've been visiting, cooking, fishing, four wheeling, skeet shooting and rail trailing and it's all been worth every tiring minute.
Monday we were 'down at the river'. When you're talking with my family and someone says, "Where's Norman?" A lot of the time the answer will be, "Down at the river". My uncle's family has a farm that has been in his family since 1866 and the Hughes River (the south fork of it, I believe) runs right along the property. *side note* The north and south forks of the Hughes River come together to form the Little Kanawha river which runs in to the Ohio River, which, as you well know, runs in to the Mighty Mississippi. So...if you were to put a note in a bottle and throw it in to the Hughes River, it could quite possibly wind up in New Orleans, LA. (providing it didn't get caught on anything) Just a little bit of useless info for ya there.
Ok, back on track. While down at the river Eric went four wheeling and skeet shootin' while the women folk (mostly my sweet Aunt Rob) did the cookin'. Eric and Norman tired to go up to my dad's place "up on the hill", (which is the answer to "Where is Tony?" when my dad is back for a visit) but a tree had fallen over the road and they couldn't make it up. After lunch we fished some and then headed back in to town.
Tuesday we hung out most of the day at my Grandma's farm. We did a little more four wheeler riding, this time with the girls, and fished some more where the girls caught quite a few. It seemed like ever time they put their line in the water, they had a bite. Too bad the biggest fish caught was only about 6 inches long. They didn't care though. They had a great time. From there we went for a little walk on the North Bend Rail Trail. The Rail Trail is part of the American Discovery Trail that goes from coast to coast. We try to make it to the trail every time we're in WV. The trail is an old rail road line and you can walk, bike or ride a horse on it. Our favorite part of the trail is the old RR tunnels. The girls get excited and run right in them...even the ones you can't see to the end of.
We ended the evening at my Aunt Judy's again. We cooked out and visited while the kids ran themselves ragged. Audrey even fell asleep before we left. She's pretty much been going from the time she wakes up in the mornings until she just passes out at the end of the day.
Well...that pretty much gets us up to today. I know we're still missing a couple of days, and I'll try to catch up on the drive back to Texas!
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