It's no secret. I'm a horrible blogger. Last time I posted, we were in the second week of school and nobody had died. I'm happy to report that now, in our 15th (or so) week of school, and we are still (even with Daddy subbing a day) casualty free!
Since my last post, we've been to Disney World for a fantastic five night field trip, Heritage Village for homeschool day, and the State Fair of Texas, and had Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years!
Wanna know what my favorite part of Homeschooling is though? I mean the trips and time off are amazing, but my very favorite thing to see during a school day are the light bulb moments. When one of them gets how to do their times tables or when one of them that HATES to read sits down and reads a whole book (small book, of course) to me and the other two girls. When they're sounding out a word that they've never read before and it just clicks. Those are the best moments ever!
Now, don't get me wrong. Being able to switch our schedule around with the freedom that homeschooling offers is the bomb diggity, but it's those little moments that mean the most!
I'll try to be better. I'm sure I say that with every post. I'm actually thinking I'm going to make a Hansens on Asphalt page on facebook so I can keep my personal page for personal stuff and bombard only those interested in my travel and schooling with the Hansens on Asphalt. (yeah'd probably be both places lol)
Ok...Off to make dinner. Ooo...Maybe a little home ec for homework tonight?